Error #483
closedmini_snmpd causes cooker to fail
It seems that, for some reason, it forces the ImageBuilder to install procd-selinux to the image, which conflicts with regular procd:
Configuring bmx6-sms. Configuring hostapd-common. Configuring wpad-mesh-wolfssl. Configuring qmp-system. Configuring luci-mod-status. Configuring libjson-script. Configuring uhttpd. Configuring uhttpd-mod-ubuCollected errors: * check_conflicts_for: The following packages conflict with procd: * check_conflicts_for: procd-selinux * * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package procd. s. Configuring qmp-tiny-node. Configuring libncurses6. Configuring mtr. Configuring netperf. Configuring kmod-ledtrig-default-on. Configuring kmod-ledtrig-heartbeat. Configuring kmod-ledtrig-netdev. Configuring kmod-ledtrig-timer. Configuring luci-mod-system. Configuring rpcd-mod-iwinfo.
Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Nou to Tancat
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Aplicat en el conjunt de canvis 0b3bbfa231eb042b0c1f09cba7dd5cfc84f3d2e2.
Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Tancat to Nou
- Estimated time set to 8:00 h
See commmit:0b3bbfa231eb042b0c1f09cba7dd5cfc84f3d2e2
Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Nou to Tancat