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Hours: 1677:45

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
08/08/2014 Simó Albert i Beltran Maintenance Error #311: [redmine] the role "informador" cannot edit wiki change redmine configuration 0:06 Actions
06/13/2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #292: Wireless card is configured with SHORT-GI-20 despite not supporting it Fixed but further work is needed 2:00 Actions
04/03/2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Característica #281: Setting hwmode to "auto" in /etc/config/wireless for 802.11(b)gn devices makes them work only at 802.11g's 54 Mb/s Solved with Pau 1:00 Actions
02/21/2014 Simó Albert i Beltran Maintenance Error #277: Wrong URL in redmine notification emails. Fix and test the solution. 0:15 Actions
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