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Hours: 1677:45

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
05/08/2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #27: The WiFi interfaces are configured for madwifi but managed by athXk. 1:00 Actions
05/08/2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #26: The compilation of OpenWrt crashes if download directory don't exists. 0:30 Actions
05/07/2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #25: Testing ipv6-routing-prototype with madwifi on routerstation. 5:00 Actions
05/07/2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #24: Testing ipv6-routing-prototype with madwifi on alix2d2. 4:00 Actions
(301-304/304) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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