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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
434 Error Tancat Normal Missing netperf download file Roger Pueyo Centelles 01/02/2018 02:06 PM Actions
418 Error Tancat Baixa TP-Link_TL-WA7510N not available in images Roger Pueyo Centelles 10/25/2017 05:59 PM Actions
417 Error Tancat Baixa TP-Link_TL-WR841N-v8 file name and content in DEVICES are different Roger Pueyo Centelles 10/25/2017 06:01 PM Actions
389 Error Tancat Alta Some binary files are compiled as qmp-arch-subarch-device-etc.bin while others as lede-arch-subarch-device-etc.bin Roger Pueyo Centelles 01/02/2018 02:09 PM Actions
369 Error Tancat Normal Images for WT3020-4M are too big and don't leave any free space Roger Pueyo Centelles 08/07/2015 06:33 PM Actions
355 Error Tancat Baixa [kalimotxo] Images for Alix boards are not generated Roger Pueyo Centelles 04/01/2015 08:28 PM Actions
309 Error Tancat Alta qMp kalimotxo compilation fails due to missing radvd dependencies (libdaemon) Roger Pueyo Centelles 08/01/2014 03:44 PM Actions
238 Error Tancat Normal does not detect properly if the qmp repository is up to date. Simó Albert i Beltran 11/19/2014 12:52 PM Actions
224 Error Tancat Urgent Error copying alix image. Simó Albert i Beltran 11/19/2014 12:52 PM Actions
165 Error Tancat Baixa config target writes W in .config always. Simó Albert i Beltran 06/23/2012 10:55 PM Actions
164 Error Tancat Baixa update_all updates all targets even specifying the variable T. Simó Albert i Beltran 06/23/2012 10:56 PM Actions
163 Error Tancat Immediata Broken link in files directory. Simó Albert i Beltran 06/23/2012 09:49 PM Actions
150 Error Tancat Normal Update all available targets in Makefile 06/23/2012 09:52 PM Actions

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