



Error #372


[Clearance 3.2-rc2] No BMX6 frames in Ethernet interface for Ubiquiti's Nanobeam

Added by Victor Oncins over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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Estimated time:
4:00 h
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I've applied this image on a Ubiquiti's Nanobeam. The default QMP interface configuration creates a br-lan (that contains only eth0) with IPv4 subnet that allows users to get IP from this subnet. QMP also creates a br-lan.12 and BMX6 use it to transmit mesh-related traffic. So, I expected to receive VID 12 tagged frame from Ethernet interface but only untagged frames from br-lan were detected.

When I disabled LAN role on eth0 interface, no br-lan interface is created and only eth0.12 appears connected to BMX6. In this case, the BMX6 VID 12 tagged frames are observed. Only IPv6 link-local address are reachable if VID 12 tagged frames are used. Untagged frames do not receive response.

Apparently Nanobeam has the same chipset as Nanostation Loco M5 XW, so probably the same issue will be observed in this case too.

Actions #1

Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 9 years ago


I've applied this image on a Ubiquiti's Nanobeam. The default QMP interface configuration creates a br-lan (that contains only eth0) with IPv4 subnet that allows users to get IP from this subnet.

This is the expected default behaviour. You should be getting IPs in the range.

QMP also creates a br-lan.12 and BMX6 use it to transmit mesh-related traffic. So, I expected to receive VID 12 tagged frame from Ethernet interface but only untagged frames from br-lan were detected.

If I only connect my computer directly to the device I don't see the VLAN12-tagged frames until I run "/etc/init.d/network restart". Then they appear there for a while and disappear after some seconds.

However, if instead of connecting my computer I connect the device to another device with qMp (in my case an Alix), BMX6 packets appear on VLAN12 and the two devices see each other, actually meshing after several minutes. Very strange, uh?

When I disabled LAN role on eth0 interface, no br-lan interface is created and only eth0.12 appears connected to BMX6.

This is the expected default behaviour.

In this case, the BMX6 VID 12 tagged frames are observed. Only IPv6 link-local address are reachable if VID 12 tagged frames are used. Untagged frames do not receive response.

I get the same on my device. BMX6 packets can be captured in VLAN12 but I need to run again "/etc/init.d/network restart" to have IPv6 link-local addresses on the plain interface (i.e. non-VLAN12). Rebooting the device also makes it work again.

Apparently Nanobeam has the same chipset as Nanostation Loco M5 XW, so probably the same issue will be observed in this case too.

Yes. I've checked this with a NSLM5-XW.

Actions #2

Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 9 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 50
  • Estimated time set to 4:00 h

The described behaviour is also found in Rocket M5 (XM) devices.

Actions #3

Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 9 years ago

Fixed in commit 48d4cc88.

Actions #4

Updated by Roger Pueyo Centelles over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Nou to Tancat
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

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