Error #381
tancatChaos Calmer's packages signature key missing in Clearence 3.2
After execute opkg update
in Clearence 3.3, this error arises:
[..]Signature check failed.
Remove wrong Signature file
for a couple of Chaos Calmer repositories' feeds. After compare to pure OpenWRT CC release, I found that the key file de98a2dd1d0f8a07 is missing. When I added it manually, the error not appears and all the packages feeds are updated.
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa aproximadament 9 anys
- % realitzat ha canviat de 0 a 10
- Temps previst s'ha establert a 2:00 h
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa aproximadament 9 anys
- % realitzat ha canviat de 10 a 100
The file is now included.
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa aproximadament 9 anys
- Estat ha canviat de Nou a Tancat