



Error #392


mdns locks qmp_configure_all

Afegit per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 8 anys. Actualitzat fa més de 6 anys.

Versió prevista:
Data de venciment:
% realitzat:


Temps previst:
4:00 h


> preparing bmx6
> cleaning files
> publishing own IPv6 domains: qMp-c172.qm6
> publishing own external domains:

> not published domains found in the network
cat: can't open '/var/run/dnsmasq/': No such file or directory
sh: you need to specify whom to kill
> preparing bmx6
> cleaning files
> publishing own IPv6 domains: qMp-c172.qm6
-> publishing own external domains:

> not published domains found in the network
cat: can't open '/var/run/dnsmasq/': No such file or directory
sh: you need to specify whom to kill
> preparing bmx6
> cleaning files
> publishing own IPv6 domains: qMp-c172.qm6
-> publishing own external domains:

> not published domains found in the network
cat: can't open '/var/run/dnsmasq/': No such file or directory
sh: you need to specify whom to kill
> preparing bmx6
> cleaning files
> publishing own IPv6 domains: qMp-c172.qm6
-> publishing own external domains:

> not published domains found in the network
cat: can't open '/var/run/dnsmasq/': No such file or directory
sh: you need to specify whom to kill
> preparing bmx6
> cleaning files
> publishing own IPv6 domains: qMp-c172.qm6
-> publishing own external domains:

> not published domains found in the network
cat: can't open '/var/run/dnsmasq/': No such file or directory
sh: you need to specify whom to kill
> preparing bmx6
> cleaning files
> publishing own IPv6 domains: qMp-c172.qm6
-> publishing own external domains:

> not published domains found in the network
cat: can't open '/var/run/dnsmasq/': No such file or directory
sh: you need to specify whom to kill
> preparing bmx6
> cleaning files
> publishing own IPv6 domains: qMp-c172.qm6
-> publishing own external domains:

Actions #1

Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 8 anys

  • Estat ha canviat de Nou a Resolt
  • % realitzat ha canviat de 0 a 100

Aplicat en el conjunt de canvis commit:qmp|916a7b62753b0f5425fc932a6137630ab0f0143d.

Actions #2

Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 6 anys

  • Categoria s'ha establert a mDNS
  • Assignat a s'ha establert a Roger Pueyo Centelles
  • Versió prevista s'ha establert a 4.1 "Macondo"
  • Temps previst s'ha establert a 4:00 h
Actions #3

Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 6 anys

  • Estat ha canviat de Resolt a Tancat

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