


Environment » Historial » Revisió 14

Revisió 13 (Pau Escrich, 18-06-2012 16:16) → Revisió 14/25 (Pau Escrich, 22-02-2013 23:13)

h1. Development Environment 

 h3. Get the needed software 

 In a Debian based distributions (like Ubuntu), a set of packages are needed, you should install them: 


 aptitude install \ 
 git subversion zlib1g-dev gawk flex unzip bzip2 gettext build-essential \ 
 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev binutils cpp psmisc linux-headers-$(uname -r) docbook-to-man 

 h3. Get the code and compile 

 * Get the qMp firmware generator using git: <pre>git clone git:// qmpfw</pre> 

 * Then enter to source directory: <pre>cd qmpfw</pre> 

 * [Recomended] Do a checkout specifying the branch testing: <pre>make .checkout_qmp QMP_GIT_BRANCH=testing</pre> 

 * And compile it specifying the target: <pre>make build T=alix</pre> 

 You can find available targets by executing: <pre>make list_targets</pre> 

 If you have more than one core in your computer you can use J=N: <pre>make build T=alix J=4</pre> 

 After that, you will find the images ready to install in your devices inside directory images/