


Lua model » Historial » Revisió 3

Revisió 2 (Pau Escrich, 29-05-2012 13:15) → Revisió 3/11 (Joel Espunya, 25-06-2012 21:58)

!!h1. h1. Lua model 

 h2. model 

 - get(section,option) 
 - add(section,option,value=nil) 
 - del(section,option) 
 - set(section,option,value) 

 - get_type(type,index=nil,option=nil) 
   -> table[1..n][1..z] 
   -> table[1..n] 
   -> value 

 - get_indexes(type) 
   -> table[1..n] 

 - set_type(type,index=nil,option=nil,value) 

 - raw() -> ucicursor 


 h2. control 
 --- Remove the current bgp configuration  

 --- Add a bgp peer  
 -- @param as AS of the BGP peer (if doesn't exist, it should be given as an argument) 
 -- @param ip IP of the BGP peer    (if doesn't exist, it should be given as an argument) 
 -- @param netmask Netmask of the BGP peer    (if doesn't exist, it should be given as an argument) 
 -- @return 	 Boolean whether operation succeeded 
 *add_bgp_peer(as, ipdest, netmask)* 

 --- Add a network to being published by bgp 
 -- @param network network range to be published (if doesn't exist, it should be given as an argument) 
 -- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded 

 --- Set the devices working on bpg mode 
 -- @param devices Devices working on bgp mode (if doesn't exist, it should be given as an argument) 
 -- @return 	 Boolean whether operation succeeded 

 --- Set the AS of the working node 
 -- @class function 
 -- @name set_bgp_as 
 -- @param as AS of the working node (if doesn't exist, it should be given as an argument) 
 -- @return 	 Boolean whether operation succeeded 

 --- Applies UCI configuration changes 
 -- @class function 
 -- @name apply_changes 
 *apply_changes()* h2. wifi 

 h2. more information  


 h2. Links 

 h2. debug