


Media » Historial » Revisió 3

Revisió 2 (Victor Oncins, 11-07-2012 19:03) → Revisió 3/20 (Victor Oncins, 11-07-2012 19:07)

h1. Media 

 h2. Òmnium Cultural a la Fira de Sant Jordi 

 _"La tecnologia que es va emprar pel desplegament WiFi va ser qmp (quick mesh project).    El balanç és molt positiu. Trànsit més o menys constant i més de 270 usuaris, connectats majoritàriament a través d’smartphones."_ 
 Roger Melcior 

 h2. Fossil Festival 2012  

 _"One "As part of the major issues with deploying a functional app in this environment is year’s Fossil Festival we have been developing digital tools that facilitate learning about the lack geology and biology of both wireless and 3G access. Even throughout the town Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site in new ways, however one important question remained: how can we get internet access to the people using these tools on devices on the ground, in particular along the coast? Typically WiFi routers can cover an area up to around 100m, assuming there are many black spots where it is impossible to get no obstructions. Increasing the signal strength of any kind on a wireless device. The solution to router can increase this was to install range, but requires that all the devices using the router are capable of transmitting a number signal at an equivalent strength. Unfortunately many of long range WiFi links between places in the town devices we wish to use, such as smart phones and tablet computers are not capable of transmitting at distances much greater than this." 

 _"An additional technology that I had and were willing the opportunity of learning about while in Barcelona is the Quick MESH Project. MESH protocols provide additional functionality to share their internet connection and the places that we wished standard access point or ad-hoc wireless networks, by automatically reconfiguring themselves to test our apps with find paths through the public. Working with Victor and Pau from network however the Quick Mesh Project individual routers are arranged. Although we managed to create will be using at least one MESH device at this year’s festival the real benefit will come in future years when we have a network number of four WiFi nodes, including a battery powered portable node these devices and can easily provide internet access in different locations using mobile base stations that could can be used on moved around as necessary without having to reconfigure the beach between tides."_ network or re-align antennae."_ 

 Eduard Baker "Eduard Baker": 
 Biodiversity Informatician and Drupal Developer 
 Natural History Museum & Buckland Club 

 h2. Mercatec (17 i 18 de maig del 2012 a Manresa) 

 _"El desplegament ha sigut realment ràpid... Amb 1 hora ho he tingut tot operatiu els tres nodes muntats i funcionant, tenint en compte que m'he hagut d'enfilar amb una escala i he hagut de crimpar cables i deixar-ho tot net, polit i endreçat. Funcionen perfectament i hi ha cobertura a tot l'espai."_  
 Xavier Martienz Lladó 

 h2. RCMB