


| Branca: | Etiqueta: | Revisió:
Nom Mida Revisió Edat Autor Comentari
lamobo-r1 71 Bytes 3ca27e71 més de 8 anys Roger Pueyo Centelles Do not gzip Lamobo R1 SD card image
vbox 20 Bytes eb04ce1a més de 8 anys Roger Pueyo Centelles Sync filenames for some targets, which have cha...
vmware 21 Bytes eb04ce1a més de 8 anys Roger Pueyo Centelles Sync filenames for some targets, which have cha...
x86 1.48 KB ecc894bf més de 10 anys Pau Escrich Extend x86 target with some ethernet and usb dr...

Últimes revisions

# Data Autor Comentari
0e1aa02a 30-11-2016 14:56 Roger Pueyo Centelles

[multiprofile] Convert mpc85xx architecture to multiprofile

83055aee 18-11-2016 18:51 Roger Pueyo Centelles

[multiprofile] Remove unneeded target files

59b4c27e 18-11-2016 18:22 Roger Pueyo Centelles

[Multiprofile] Migrate Alix/x86-geode to multiprofile

f96ef416 14-10-2016 18:58 Roger Pueyo Centelles

Update Nexx WTxy20-zM targets

6fc8ae26 14-10-2016 18:08 Roger Pueyo Centelles

Fix VoCore targets

eb04ce1a 14-10-2016 10:20 Roger Pueyo Centelles

Sync filenames for some targets, which have changed slightly

3ca27e71 26-05-2016 18:41 Roger Pueyo Centelles

Do not gzip Lamobo R1 SD card image

398b0246 19-01-2016 18:46 Roger Pueyo Centelles

Add support for Lamobo R1 (BananaPi R1) boards

2c284135 01-04-2015 19:47 Roger Pueyo Centelles

[alix] Add Alix board target to create Alix-specific images with T=alix

6c6320e2 10-02-2015 00:07 Roger Pueyo Centelles

Add support for MERCURY MAC1200R devices

Visualitzar revisions

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