


| Branca: | Etiqueta: | Revisió:
Nom Mida Revisió Edat Autor Comentari
  alix 28e57799 casi 13 anys Pau Escrich Some new packets added
  nsm5 98e089cd aproximadament 13 anys Pau Escrich New config file for nanostation with netperf en...
  rspro 28e57799 casi 13 anys Pau Escrich Some new packets added

Últimes revisions

# Data Autor Comentari
28e57799 11-01-2012 23:40 Pau Escrich

Some new packets added

8fee292e 11-01-2012 01:36 Pau Escrich

Adapted to last openwrt trunk

98e089cd 29-11-2011 21:50 Pau Escrich

New config file for nanostation with netperf enabled

67e4f958 17-11-2011 12:47 Agustí Moll Garcia

Configs for version 27617

e840f129 16-11-2011 17:57 root

Updated to last OpenWRT trunk

c8428f71 14-11-2011 14:16 Pau Escrich

Added support for nsm5

fa16ecb7 10-11-2011 11:09 Agustí Moll Garcia

Configs with gwck selected.

de2ba9a3 29-10-2011 17:42 Pau Escrich

New config with qmp-tyniproxy enabled

14d7b1de 29-10-2011 14:54 Pau Escrich

Restart of dnsmasq when some change related with networking

6f71c0d5 17-10-2011 00:31 Pau Escrich

Removed tcpdumop from alix config because it makes compilation crash

Visualitzar revisions

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