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Últimes revisions

# Data Autor Comentari
92b6b927 26-09-2013 18:20 Pau Escrich

Adds a new way to generate/store the configuration files for each target:
There are profiles (such as ath-qmp-small-node) which are shared between all similar kind of devices (i.e ubiquiti devices)
And individual configurations (optional) which can be used to specify extra options for the device

31b56bf8 05-05-2013 14:23 Pau Escrich

Rebuild all remaining config files
Only diffconfig is stored now (not all the config)
Adapt the configs to new bmx6/luci-app-bmx6

ae80821b 28-01-2013 23:20 Pau Escrich and config files adapted to the new version of qMp based on Openwrt attitude adjustment

a1748a32 09-01-2013 19:33 Pau Escrich

Regenerated all config files to add the new bmx6-luci and in some big nodes luci-qos and luci-radvd

baf4d195 06-10-2012 17:48 Pau Escrich

Rebuild all config files, ssh-keys is not selected by default

3cbba5d7 27-06-2012 04:12 Simó Albert i Beltran

Re-build wpe72 config file, references #161.

2899925c 14-05-2012 00:55 Pau Escrich

Improved support for WPE72

b79b17c8 10-04-2012 00:53 Pau Escrich

Add support for WispStation and config files for WPE72. Added nsm2 as target too

Visualitzar revisions

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