


| Branca: | Etiqueta: | Revisió:
Nom Mida Revisió Edat Autor Comentari
  alix 0e3770c8 casi 13 anys Pau Escrich Fixed kernel config files
  fonera cce89d3e casi 13 anys Pau Escrich Updated new targets: nsm5 and fonera. Some impr...
  freestation 6f755fd4 casi 13 anys Pau Escrich Added support for FreeStation (not working yet ...
  nsm5 0e9ab808 casi 13 anys Pau Escrich Special option ath9k for nsm5
  rspro e4f21311 casi 13 anys Pau Escrich Added some extra packages for Statistics, QOS a...
  tplink2543 bc56881a casi 13 anys Pau Escrich Support for TPLINK 2543

Últimes revisions

# Data Autor Comentari
bc56881a 12-03-2012 13:47 Pau Escrich

Support for TPLINK 2543

6f755fd4 21-02-2012 16:19 Pau Escrich

Added support for FreeStation (not working yet bacause of niit problem)

e4f21311 16-02-2012 19:15 Pau Escrich

Added some extra packages for Statistics, QOS and DynamicDNS

0e9ab808 23-01-2012 21:04 Pau Escrich

Special option ath9k for nsm5

0e3770c8 23-01-2012 19:11 Pau Escrich

Fixed kernel config files

ba9fab2c 21-01-2012 00:03 Agustí Moll Garcia

Use branches from OpenWRT.[ svn:// ].

cce89d3e 12-01-2012 14:23 Pau Escrich

Updated new targets: nsm5 and fonera. Some improvements in post_build operation

28e57799 11-01-2012 23:40 Pau Escrich

Some new packets added

8fee292e 11-01-2012 01:36 Pau Escrich

Adapted to last openwrt trunk

98e089cd 29-11-2011 21:50 Pau Escrich

New config file for nanostation with netperf enabled

Visualitzar revisions

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