


| Branca: | Etiqueta: | Revisió:
Nom Mida Revisió Edat Autor Comentari
  configs c8428f71 més de 13 anys Pau Escrich Added support for nsm5
Makefile 5.25 KB ca89f12f més de 13 anys Agustí Moll Garcia Change feeds from openwrt: src-svn to src-link,...
README 2.26 KB e4a024c9 més de 13 anys Pau Escrich Removed space from in alix name. Add... 994 Bytes c8428f71 més de 13 anys Pau Escrich Added support for nsm5

Últimes revisions

# Data Autor Comentari
ca89f12f 16-11-2011 22:04 Agustí Moll Garcia

Change feeds from openwrt: src-svn to src-link, so we use the same REV like openwrt-base

c8428f71 14-11-2011 14:16 Pau Escrich

Added support for nsm5

fa16ecb7 10-11-2011 11:09 Agustí Moll Garcia

Configs with gwck selected.

39a38e4d 09-11-2011 17:28 Agustí Moll Garcia

Remove the repository b6m until we close this issue.

b2f323ad 09-11-2011 01:52 Agustí Moll Garcia

Merge branch 'master' into HEAD

0ff6624a 09-11-2011 01:50 Agustí Moll Garcia

Change method to get the branch of git.

884b8141 09-11-2011 01:25 Agustí Moll Garcia

Change -C parmeter in make call, Added BRANCH_GIT and REV_GIT variables in make

e6c8d8eb 05-11-2011 04:12 Agustí Moll Garcia

Makefile with using map

b4656cb9 30-10-2011 02:37 Agustí Moll Garcia

Change branch in qmp project. Now in master branch.

de2ba9a3 29-10-2011 17:42 Pau Escrich

New config with qmp-tyniproxy enabled

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Qmpfw is a tool for developers to create a development enviroment for qMp.
Basically it consists in one Makefile, so it is called using "make" command.

Read Only URL:
Developer URL: ssh://

*Directory structure

There are several directories and files. This is the functionallity for each of them:

Makefile: the main makefile file which contains all information related with targets. If you want to add a new supported device you must edit it

build: here you will have all needed sources

build/configs: if you do some change in config file using "menuconfig" option, the new config is placed here (and also in destination target)

dl: download folder for OpenWRT packages

configs: config files for each kind of hardware. These are the default ones provided by qmpfw

images: output directory for compiled images, each of them has a different timestamp, so you can have as many as you want

*Command options

To compile a qMp image from scratch, you need to specify the target (next example with target=rspro):
This command will run all necessary commands to compile the image. After the compilation you can see the OpenWRT code in directory: build/[target]

make T=rspro build

Also you can specify the number of parallel processes for compilation and the verbose level:

make V=99 J=2 T=rspro build

To see list of avaiable targets run:

make list_targets

This will update all targets

make update
(this will update only qmp source)

This will update only rspro target

make T=rspro update

This will update all sources (qmp, openwrt feeds and eighennet)

make update_all

To run menuconfig (from openwrt):

make T=rspro menuconfig

After that, the new config file will be applied to destination target and also it will by copied inside build/configs directory
To run kernel menuconfig (from openwrt):

make T=rspro kernel_menuconfig

To run the initial checkout:

make T=rspro checkout

To clean specific target:

make T=rspro clean

To clean all targets:

make clean

To clean just qmp packages from a target

make T=rspro clean_qmp

To configure some general parameters from qMp you can run:

make config

TODO: This feature is missing

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