


| Branca: | Etiqueta: | Revisió:
Nom Mida Revisió Edat Autor Comentari
  files 1209afe3 més de 12 anys Pau Escrich Added new functionallity to define scripts in P...
README 390 Bytes 1209afe3 més de 12 anys Pau Escrich Added new functionallity to define scripts in P...
copyregdb.script 184 Bytes 1209afe3 més de 12 anys Pau Escrich Added new functionallity to define scripts in P...
ubnt-fix-image.script 445 Bytes d32bfde2 més de 12 anys Pau Escrich Script to modify Ubiquiti target image and be a...

Últimes revisions

# Data Autor Comentari
d32bfde2 28-09-2012 16:08 Pau Escrich

Script to modify Ubiquiti target image and be able to use the AirOS web interface to upload the firmware

1209afe3 31-07-2012 11:50 Pau Escrich

Added new functionallity to define scripts in PRE/POST build operation. Check scripts/README

Visualitzar revisions


# All files named *.script placed in this directory will be executed during compilation process.
# First parameter will be PRE_BUILD or POST_BUILD, so script can detect which is the current step and it can be executed or not.
# Second parameter will be the Target for the current compilation.

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