

Brian Hall

  • Identificador: bhny
  • Correu electrònic:
  • Informat el: 11-11-2014
  • Última connexió: 06-12-2015


oberts tancats Total
Assumptes assignats 0 0 0
Assumptes informats 0 2 2



18:28 qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages Error #298: Domains to publish form tooltip is wrong
This issue just confused one of our users.
Should be "Syntax: domain@IP" instead of "Syntax: IP@domain"
Brian Hall


05:55 qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages Error #374 (Tancat): Mesh DNS menu is missing
There should be a DNS menu under /luci/qmp/tools/
It has been missing for a while in the testing version and is st...
Brian Hall


00:26 qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages Error #325: NanoBeam M5 19 does not boot
thanks! I tried again with correct name of ethernet device and it worked. (still no wifi) What should I try now?
Brian Hall


20:26 qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages Error #325: NanoBeam M5 19 does not boot
generic OpenWRT image fails too-
There is a trac ticke...
Brian Hall
19:34 qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages Error #325: NanoBeam M5 19 does not boot
cannot ping-
bh-macbook:~ bh$ ping6 ff02::1%eth0
ping6: UDP connect: No route to host
Brian Hall
16:05 qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages Error #325 (Tancat): NanoBeam M5 19 does not boot
NanoBeam M5 19 is said to be hardware compatible with LocoM5 but after installing the image the NanoBeam failed to bo... Brian Hall

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