Error #197
tancatLuCI ignores wifi devices attached to an UCI interface by qMp.
You can reproduce the error:
Login in the web interface.
Go to LuCI administration and "Network" "Wifi" section.
When you edit a device, in the "Interface Configuration" and "General Setup" section the value of "Network" is "unespecified or create:"
If you don't change this value and you push "Save & Apply" button, then this device is unattached of their interface.
Actualitzat per Pau Escrich fa més de 12 anys
- Categoria s'ha establert a WEB interface
I'm not sure if I understand the problem.
However I would like to say that, from the point of view I took when I wrote the luci web interface for qMp, a wifi interface can be managed by
But not both at same time. It means that if you want to manage a WiFi interface from LUCI admin module, you have to select the WiFi device
as "Not used" in the qMp menu.
Actualitzat per Simó Albert i Beltran fa més de 12 anys
- Estat ha canviat de En progrés a Resolt
- % realitzat ha canviat de 0 a 100
Aplicat en el conjunt de canvis 8a7e6d1e8a66113d3ccad21cbccecc09b8c81329.
Actualitzat per Simó Albert i Beltran fa més de 12 anys
- Categoria ha canviat de WEB interface a Init scripts
- Estat ha canviat de Resolt a Tancat
The problem occurs when using the LuCI web interface, but it isn't a problem of web interface design. The problem was the wrong WiFi interfaces configuration made by qMp configuration scripts.
Actualitzat per Pau Escrich fa més de 12 anys
Now I understand the problem (after reading the patch).
I already knew this problem but I did not solve it because it was not critical and because I'm writing the qMp LUA API which, in theory, will replace all these shell scripts.
Thank you!