Error #341
closed[guifi qmp 3.1] not working
I tried with:
and it does not work
[this gives an error with old version of qMp]
with http accept the url:
same for:
formatting is failing
<font color='#0a0'>Getting oneclick config: Done! Checking oneclick config: Done! Showing variables: nodename='' devname='' devmodel='Rocket/Nano/Loco' ipv4='' netmask='' zoneid='' </font>
and cannot obtain the values, so get a random ipv4, etc.
[you can get this values correctly from old version of qMp]
Updated by Jorge L. Florit about 10 years ago
- Category set to Packages
- Status changed from Nou to En progrés
Hi, qmp-guifi oneclick has never worked with HTTPS, in fact, wget in OpenWRT doesn't get HTTPS URLs; it is due to a bug with wget in busybox [1].
We have to try an alternative to support HTTPS.
By the way, with HTTP (no secure) in clearance 3.0 works well:# qmpguifi get_url /tmp/guifi_oneclick
Getting oneclick config:
# qmpguifi check /tmp/guifi_oneclick
Checking oneclick config:
# qmpguifi print /tmp/guifi_oneclick
Showing variables:
I have to try with the latest v3.1, but nothing has change in the package for months, so it should still work.
Updated by guifi pedro about 10 years ago
- Subject changed from [guifi qmp] not working / do not accept https url to [guifi qmp 3.1] not working
Updated by guifi pedro about 10 years ago
with a qMp 3.1, I'm sure you have access to it:
root@BCNCoroleu29-62ba:~# qmpguifi check /tmp/guifi_oneclick
Checking oneclick config:
root@BCNCoroleu29-62ba:~# qmpguifi get_url /tmp/guifi_oneclick
Getting oneclick config:
root@BCNCoroleu29-62ba:~# qmpguifi check /tmp/guifi_oneclick
Checking oneclick config:
root@BCNCoroleu29-62ba:~# qmpguifi print /tmp/guifi_oneclick
Showing variables:
Updated by guifi pedro about 10 years ago
About the HTTPS error, I suggest a better error output (detect initial 4 characters: https). Say that "HTTPS URL is not valid, please use HTTP" (specially in the web part) instead of:
- qmpguifi get_url /tmp/guifi_oneclick
Getting oneclick config:
qMp: ERROR: Wrong URL specified. USE: '/usr/bin/qmpguifi get_url [] [FILE]'
Web error says:
Getting oneclick config: ERROR: Wrong URL specified.
also, I think the web should take this URL as valid (put "http://" if there is no protocol specified):
The CLI part is ok, because is assumed to be a more experimented user.
Or perhaps we can assume that in general all users that use qMp are experimented and this corrections are not needed.
Updated by Jorge L. Florit about 10 years ago
The HTTPS issue should be revised separately and maybe we can change wget to curl. So it will be a feature to support https instead of a bug. Of course it should be nice to differentiate an error in the URL from an error if it's a secure HTTP or not.
The other question is because there is some change in the behaviour of the awk command, it ocurrs in v3.1 because there is a new version of busybox.
root@UPCc6lab104-TL-5cab:~# awk
BusyBox v1.19.4 (2014-05-23 12:27:44 CEST) multi-call binary.
root@BCNCoroleu29-62ba:~# awk
BusyBox v1.22.1 (2014-12-12 10:08:21 CET) multi-call binary.
Updated by Jorge L. Florit about 10 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
The blank fields issue should be solved with commit 148748f3.
If you want to test it without flashing again, you can replace /etc/qmp/ with the fixed file [1].
Updated by guifi pedro about 10 years ago
now it works. How fast Jorge (less than 24h, what's that! :P), thanks!
- formatting in the web is awful
- another easy way to solve https is change this text:
Specify the URL of the device:
with this other:
Specify the URL (HTTP) of the device:
seems that curl is not included in qMp 3.1, so perhaps is a bad idea, it means more size for images (thinking about 4MB flash devices), no?
Updated by Jorge L. Florit about 10 years ago
- Status changed from En progrés to Resolt
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
"- formatting in the web is awful"
It is because of the new theme. It's now fixed in commit cf62ebab [1].
"- another easy way to solve https is change this text [...]"
I noticed that curl is not included, so while wget in busybox doesn't support HTTPS I've added the purposed solution temporarily (in commit eb8c6514 [2]): an error message notifying that HTTPS URLs are not supported yet and the text specifying "HTTP URLs" in the web interface.
Updated by Jorge L. Florit almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolt to Tancat