Error #477
obertCannot configure qmp-wireless in Nanostation XM post 1846G (menu has disappeared)
Menu and pages for configuring wireless options on qMp tab on qMp firmware on versions 4.2.1 and higher (confirmed also 4.2.2) are missing on Ubiquiti Nanostation XW post 1846G HW revision.
They can be changed via cli editing /etc/config/qmp and changes are applied after a reboot. Is there a quicker way?
Alex Madrid
Actualitzat per fa aproximadament 5 anys
The way to set wireless to mixed mode (although not working, see is by editing /etc/config/qmp and changing in "config wireless" the "option mode" to "'80211s_adhoc'"
Resulting in:
config wireless
option mode '80211s_adhoc'
Note that even though this option is set, qmp wireless will only work as legacy in this model, so devices running 3.x will not connect to it in any wireless way.
Actualitzat per fa aproximadament 5 anys
Typo: In this model wireless will only work in * 802.11s * mode, dropping ad-hoc mode.
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 4 anys
- Categoria s'ha establert a WEB interface
- Assignat a s'ha establert a Roger Pueyo Centelles
- Versió prevista s'ha establert a v5.0.0
- Temps previst s'ha establert a 4:00 h
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa casi 4 anys
- Versió prevista ha canviat de v5.0.0 a v5.0.1
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 3 anys
- Versió prevista ha canviat de v5.0.1 a 5.1