Característica #49
closedevaluating niit support in IPv6
NIIT is an 4in6 tunneling technique developed by the freifunk community and used in OLSR to transport IPv4 packets over an IPv6 core network.
NIIT is not a standard. But it has many similarities to 4in6 standard RFC2473.
NIIT is much more simple compared to 4in6 and also can be easily autoconfigured.
See also [1,2,3,...]
The eigennet project from Pisa have already integrated NIIT in their mesh firmware [3].
Still it was difficult to find hard information how NIIT features in OLSR must be configured.
During time of writing, important olsr options and syntax were not documented and could only be found within source-code.
NIIT support has been succesfully tested for olsr/OpenWRT in QMP
Scripts to configure NIIT for olsr in QMP have been written and tested
- creation of olsr config file
- creation of niit4to6 and niit6to4 interfaces
Autoconfiguration is still an open issue because information about to-be-used IPv4 addersses is not available automatically.
AHCP might be an option to solve IPv4 address assignement.
[4] (NIIT)
[6] [Olsr-dev] SmartGW
Summary of effors:
evaluating, testing existing NIIT concept and implementation 12 hours
writing init script to configure niit4to6 and niit6to4 interfaces and olsrd config 4 hours
Updated by Axel Neumann over 13 years ago
Subject should be renamed to "OLSR NIIT" support