


Wiki » Historial » Revisió 36

Revisió 35 (Pau Escrich, 11-04-2012 22:53) → Revisió 36/73 (Victor Oncins, 14-05-2012 13:23)

h1. Wiki 

 h2. Technical information 

 * [[Get qMp|How to get qMp firmware]] 
 * [[Openwrt|Some OpenWRT instructions]] 
 * [[Wireless autoconf|How Wireless autoconf system works]] 
 * [[qmpfw|The Firmware generator]]  
 * [[Roaming-Collaborative]] 
 * [[Draft on IPv6 adressing scheme]] 
 * [[Especificacions de proves de validació]] 
 * [[Environment|Development Environment]]  
 * [[Upgrade_system| The upgrade system]] 

 h2. Hardware and devices 

 * [[New_device|How to add a new device]] 
 * [[Monster Box|MonsterBox v1]] 
 * [[Monster Box v2|MonsterBox v2]]