


Wireless autoconf » Historial » Revisió 2

Revisió 1 (Pau Escrich, 13-06-2011 17:47) → Revisió 2/15 (Pau Escrich, 13-06-2011 17:47)

h1. Wireless autoconf 

 Wireless configuration for file: /etc/config/qmp 

 These are the default parameters sharing all wireless interfaces 
 > @config 'qmp' 'wireless' 
	 option 'driver' 'mac80211' 
	 option 'country' 'UZ' 
	 option 'bssid' '02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE' 
 > @ 
 driver can be `mac80211` for athXk, and `madwifi` for madwifi 

 And these are the config parameters for each wifi interface. 
 > @config 'wireless' 
	 option 'channel' '44' 
	 option 'mode' 'adhoc' 
	 option 'name' 'qmp' 
	 option 'mac' '00:80:48:6b:25:b5' 

 config 'wireless' 
	 option 'channel' '10' 
	 option 'mode' 'ap' 
	 option 'name' '' 
	 option 'mac' '00:80:48:6b:25:b6'@