


| Branca: | Etiqueta: | Revisió:
Nom Mida Revisió Edat Autor Comentari
  files ba3437d4 més de 10 anys Pau Escrich Adapt regdb tuning to work in last OpenWRT trunk
README 526 Bytes 88cb0f51 casi 12 anys Pau Escrich Adapt the pre_build/post_build scripts to the n...
copyregdb.script 367 Bytes ba3437d4 més de 10 anys Pau Escrich Adapt regdb tuning to work in last OpenWRT trunk
enable-bmx6-quagga.script.disable 191 Bytes 905adba8 aproximadament 11 anys Pau Escrich Change default target build directory from ar71...
enable_readline_lua.script.disabled 411 Bytes fe9c0dc0 més de 12 anys Pau Escrich Dissabled readline-lua script
extra-packages.script 565 Bytes 0402c5df més de 10 anys Pau Escrich Fix extra packages script
luci_wifi_join.script 199 Bytes f63e44fa casi 11 anys Simó Albert i Beltran Add patch to fix LuCI wifi_join.htm to show dif...
ubnt-fix-image.script 489 Bytes ac9c8127 casi 12 anys Pau Escrich Fix parameter issue in ubnt-fix-image script

Últimes revisions

# Data Autor Comentari
0402c5df 05-09-2014 13:21 Pau Escrich

Fix extra packages script

ba3437d4 04-09-2014 16:33 Pau Escrich

Adapt regdb tuning to work in last OpenWRT trunk

cb3f65fc 03-08-2014 13:54 Pau Escrich

Add regdb patch
Remove specific target for alix
Add support for two new tplink routers
Remove files from gitignore

f494d255 03-07-2014 19:29 Pau Escrich

Fix regdomain issue (patch the driver before compiling instead of after), regdomains from US and UZ should be free now

4879514e 26-04-2014 19:49 Simó Albert i Beltran

Import patch to fix LuCI wifi_join.htm to show differents channels for the same BSSID when scan networks

f63e44fa 26-04-2014 19:11 Simó Albert i Beltran

Add patch to fix LuCI wifi_join.htm to show differents channels for the same BSSID when scan networks

905adba8 13-03-2014 16:54 Pau Escrich

Change default target build directory from ar71xx to openwrt

0bbc22a4 09-01-2014 17:50 Jorge L. Florit

Change 'build_src' to 'compile' and minor changes

3e290f5a 08-01-2014 19:48 Jorge L. Florit

Fix extra-packages.script

ee446b02 07-01-2014 02:53 Jorge L. Florit

Add script to select additional packages only in compile time

Visualitzar revisions


# All files named *.script placed in this directory will be executed during compilation process.
# First parameter will be PRE_BUILD or POST_BUILD, so script can detect which is the current step and it can be executed or not.
# Second parameter will be the build directory relative to build/ (ex. ar71xx)
# Third parameter will be the target name (ex. nsm5)
# See the existing scripts to better understand the idea of this recipes

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