Error #326
closedqmpcontrol upgrade on alix/x86
I'm having trouble upgrading an Alix x86 board with qMp 3.0.2 to qMp 3.1. See the log:
root@qMp-4e74:~# qmpcontrol upgrade
executing function upgrade...
qMp: Found new system image at
qMp: Downloading image
qMp: Checksum correct!
tar: removing leading '/' from member names
Do you want to upgrade system using image [N,y] y
Sending TERM to remaining processes ... crond mini_snmpd radvd radvd uhttpd bmx6 dnsmasq ntpd gwck gwck S99munin netserver gwck fping grep netcat exe Terminated
root@qMp-4e74:~# sleep syslogd klogd hotplug2 ubusd netifd
Sending KILL to remaining processes ... uhttpd
Switching to ramdisk...
Performing system upgrade...
2624+1 records in
2624+1 records out
Refreshing partitions
mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt failed: Invali[ 511.123611] Restarting system.
[ 511.127342] machine restart
PC Engines ALIX.2 v0.99h
640 KB Base Memory
Configuration files are not saved from one version to the other. I guess it must have something to do with the mount fail line.