


Thesis degree about the QMP project

Documentació tècnica

The main purpose of QMP (Quick Mesh Project) is to provide an open and free software solution for the quick deployment of a WiFi network based on Mesh/MANET technology.

The objective of this document is to collect the principal decisions (why and how) taken during the development of the project QMP. Also it tries to be a starting point for all people who want to become involved in the technical aspects of it. However these issues are shown from a general point of view because most of them can be found documented in other places. We are only detailing some points, which are considered the most important ones, directly related and owned by QMP. The idea of this document is that if does not end here, but is extended and improved when system evolves.


ProjectQMP.pdf (1.69 MB) ProjectQMP.pdf PDF document Pau Escrich, 01/23/2012 10:17 AM
ProjectQMP.tar.gz (3.23 MB) ProjectQMP.tar.gz Latex sources Pau Escrich, 01/23/2012 10:17 AM