Error #422
tancat802.1AD have small MTU value
802.1Q allows to me for use MTU value over 1500 on fragment and network functions normally, transperent. But in 802.1AD this value is 'jammed' on 1430 for me, I tested this with 'ping -s'
Thus, the network doesn't work between two nodes connected over ethernet. I just backed to 802.1Q in config files.
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa més de 6 anys
- Categoria s'ha establert a Network
- Assignat a s'ha establert a Roger Pueyo Centelles
- Versió prevista s'ha establert a v5.0.0
Suggestion: remove VLANs for routing?
Actualitzat per guifi pedro fa aproximadament 5 anys
Roger Pueyo Centelles va escriure:
Suggestion: remove VLANs for routing?
I agree that removing VLANs is better, we had a discussion on libremesh mailing list where there was a problem with a specific device
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa aproximadament 5 anys
- Estat ha canviat de Nou a Resolt
- % realitzat ha canviat de 0 a 100
- Temps previst s'ha establert a 1:00 h
Hi Pedro,
Thanks for your comment and the links. Yes, using different VLANs for the routing protocol[s] was cool back when all interfaces were physical (eth0, eth1...) but started to become a mess with eth0.1 and so. 802.1ad VLANs was a good attempt, but drivers support was varied and mostly bad.
I took the decision of not using VLANs (neither 802.1q nor 802.1ad) for routing by default, as you can see in . So, I guess, from qMp v5.0 on, they won't be there anymore.
Actualitzat per Roger Pueyo Centelles fa casi 5 anys
- Estat ha canviat de Resolt a Tancat