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Hores: 2471:00

Projecte Data Usuari Activitat Assumpte Comentari Hores
b6m 03-11-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #79: Create initial version of a bmx6 map. Create a first usable version. 493:00 Actions
b6m 03-11-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #80: Error in b6m git URL Configure server to allow read-only URL of git, configure redmine to show appropiate URL, and change the URL on the Makefile. 2:00 Actions
b6m 05-11-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #82: Error in init script, /var/run/b6m directory doesn't exist. Fix error in init script, /var/run/b6m directory doesn't exist, and update openwrt package. 0:30 Actions
b6m 06-10-2012 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #169: Add support for the wget of BusyBox. Detect, solve and test the solution. 4:00 Actions
b6m 06-10-2012 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #159: Send events to syslog. Implement and test it. 2:00 Actions
b6m 09-04-2012 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #121: Data is not updated again when a response hasn't the requested data. Analize the problem, write the solution and test it. 8:00 Actions
b6m 31-10-2012 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #191: b6m-spread in http method doesn't propagate unchanged data after restart of bmx6. Detect and solve the problem and test the solution. 6:00 Actions
gsffirm 01-06-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Disseny Característica #59: Create a dynamic and decentralized BMXd map. Implemented a proof of concept: 67:00 Actions
gsffirm 17-07-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Disseny Característica #70: Improve fw-web to add support to make images from different git references. Created a prototype to proof of concept: 73:00 Actions
gsffirm 12-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #34: Add support for JSONP requests on bmx_http_info plugin. Created a functional patch. 2:00 Actions
gsffirm 13-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #36: Update OpenLayers of bmx-map to version 2.10. Update OpenLayers of bmx-map to version 2.10 and test it. 1:00 Actions
gsffirm 13-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #35: Use the OpenStreetMap native layer of OpenLayers instead of a custom layer on bmx-map. Modified make_map.js and tested. 2:00 Actions
gsffirm 14-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #38: Support for multiple public hosts, like servers. Added support for multiple public hosts and tested. 32:00 Actions
gsffirm 14-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #37: Use the native popup of OpenLayers instead of a custom popup on bmx-map. Change the custom popup to an native popup of OpenLayers ant test it. 3:00 Actions
gsffirm 24-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #41: The bmxd crashes when the link_window_size parameter is set to 1. Detect the problem and test the solution. 5:00 Actions
gsffirm 25-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #39: Autodetect the URL of bmx-map. Create a first implementation for static script includes and test it, see commit:0287c89a2d03260060b86e570363b5568ce57556. 6:00 Actions
gsffirm 25-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #39: Autodetect the URL of bmx-map. Improve implementation to add support for dynamic load scripts using jQuery. See commit:8c5b77967cd7a251b3f1d41abcaf8b63fb97f764. 11:00 Actions
gsffirm 25-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #42: Convert all global variables of bmx-map on one global array. Convert map, BMX_MAP_SCRIPT_LOCATION and bmxMapURL global variables on one global array and test it. See commit:699a574a7b5b84dae035bea13b50ddb9155a861a. 1:00 Actions
gsffirm 25-05-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #42: Convert all global variables of bmx-map on one global array. Localize global variables. See commit:58cfc0889141155d9648f4ddee6de132eae1d844. 1:30 Actions
gsffirm 19-07-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #72: Add git reference to file name of the generated image by fwgen. Detect the problem and test the solution. 2:00 Actions
gwck 13-05-2012 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #147: Only uses ipv6calc if it is available. Detect the problem, implement and test the solution. 4:30 Actions
gwck 13-05-2012 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Característica #149: Clamping the MSS via iptables Detect the problem, implement a workaround and test it. 5:30 Actions
gwck 12-04-2012 Simó Albert i Beltran Desenvolupament Error #142: Change the test host for qmp IPv4 instance. Detect and solve the problem and test the solution. 1:00 Actions
gwck 13-10-2016 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #387: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for gwck-qmp during compilation: fping Already fixed -- Makefile needed update 1:00 Actions
Network Characterization 04-02-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #335: [ncd] Links thickness buttons not working Fixed 1:30 Actions
Network Characterization 05-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #350: iperf3 UDP bandwidth measurements in qMp Package-related issue 6:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 04-04-2012 Axel Neumann Disseny Error #117: BMX6 don't support non alphanumeric characters in hostname acceptable for now 1:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 01-06-2011 Simó Albert i Beltran Disseny Característica #33: Create a dynamic and decentralized BMX6 map. Implemented a proof of concept:, see #59. 67:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 12-02-2013 Simó Albert i Beltran Disseny Error #203: eth1 only mesh fails Test problem with attitude_adjustment branch. 1:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 13-02-2013 Simó Albert i Beltran Disseny Error #203: eth1 only mesh fails Test the solution. 0:30 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #54: system hostname and uhttpd ssl configuration 1:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #53: OLSR Configuration 5:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #52: BMX6 configuration 5:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #51: NIIT support for BMX6 development was done around 13th of march 2011 21:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #50: ULA / VLAN address generation development was done around 6th of march 2011 15:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #49: evaluating niit support in IPv6 development was done around 6th of march 2011 16:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #45: evaluating ULA/RIPE IPv6 scheme and Linux Source Address Selection development was done around 1th of march 2011 43:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Suport #43: evaluating Vlan support in openwrt/linux development was done around 1th of march 2011 14:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #52: BMX6 configuration development was done around 13th of march 2011 0:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #56: Hardware Fonera, NanoStation2,... development was done around 13th of march 2011 5:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #57: HOWTO qmp/ipv6-routing-prototype development was done around 15th of march 2011 4:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin design msg-field descriptions 21:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin redesigning/implementing bmx6 globalID concept 15:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin renaming bmx6 parameter names from eg: tx_interval style to txInterval 4:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin json-output options parameters 15:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin output description to posix file in json notation 7:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin output volatile status, links, originators information in json-notation, summarize current status 15:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 30-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin new package/bmx6-qmp enabling plugin from bmx6 branch http-json-plugin 4:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 02-06-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin short message service (SMS) feature 12:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 17-03-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Suport #115: Connection interruption when a huge size file is downloaded Discussion about bug or feature request 0:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 17-03-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Suport #115: Connection interruption when a huge size file is downloaded new optional bmx6 GW hysteresis parameter --tunOut=<NAME> /hysteresis=<value> (default 20%) 3:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 17-03-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Suport #115: Connection interruption when a huge size file is downloaded updated bmx6-qmp package to pull related bmx6 commit 1:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 04-04-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Error #104: Make system compatible with non-radio devices Let BMX6 start without or with invalid interfaces 5:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 11-06-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Error #145: Bmx6 tunnel disappear each time b6m refresh 30:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 25-02-2013 Jorge L. Florit Desenvolupament Error #217: Change bmx_ipv4_prefix24 format to be a true /24 prefix 3:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 25-02-2013 Jorge L. Florit Desenvolupament Característica #216: Load real configuration in Wizard LuCI menu option 2:30 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 01-03-2013 Jorge L. Florit Desenvolupament Característica #216: Load real configuration in Wizard LuCI menu option 3:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 01-03-2013 Jorge L. Florit Desenvolupament Error #215: Autogenerated IPv4 don't showed in roaming mode 3:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 19-04-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci Understanding how LuCi works, and first tests 10:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 19-04-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci First structure implementation of QMP web interface and making openwrt packages 20:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 29-04-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #23: Tests with 802.11n and ath9k 4:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 03-05-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #23: Tests with 802.11n and ath9k Working with ibss HT40 patch for compat-wireless 5:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 04-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #61: Testing json-bmx-plugin Founds some bugs from json-bmx6 and openwrt 5:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 06-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #61: Testing json-bmx-plugin tested bmx6 JSON and works fine! 3:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 06-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #62: bmx6-info script 2:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 06-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci Working in bmx6-json information 5:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 09-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless First implementation 3:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 13-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless 4:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 13-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #60: Choose between athXk and madwifi 1:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 13-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless 6:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 21-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless Testing... and fixing some problems 6:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 08-07-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless Fixing some issues 5:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 08-07-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #48: Enable AP mode 2:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 08-07-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci 3:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 21-07-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless Changes in template system (uci style), and more things... 10:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 09-08-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #75: bmx6-luci 30:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 09-08-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless Improved the system and added some news freatures 20:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 09-08-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #23: Tests with 802.11n and ath9k Finally HT40 is working with our new Compex antenas, the system is ready to use it 25:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 09-08-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci Web interface for qmp is now usable, but not finished yet. 20:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 15-02-2012 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #47: DNS system for internal MESH 0:30 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 02-06-2013 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #240: Smart network devices selection 20:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 02-06-2013 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #241: Smart Multicast Rate 6:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 27-06-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #296: LuCI web interface has no texts in Kalimotxo Testing 0:30 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 01-07-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #296: LuCI web interface has no texts in Kalimotxo Package luci-i18n-english required 0:07 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 01-07-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #296: LuCI web interface has no texts in Kalimotxo Solved 0:17 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 07-07-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #300: [Kalimotxo] TL-WR841N no space left on device Done 1:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 07-07-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #302: [Kalimotxo] No UBUS Solved after recompiling 1:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 08-07-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #303: [Clearance] qMp 3.0.1 images lack most texts in LuCI Package luci-i18n-english added 2:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 04-12-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Característica #327: Add "qMp %version %codename" to OpenWrt Firmware Version Modified Makefile in qmpfw 2:30 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 21-12-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #331: [TL-WDR4900] [Kalimotxo/Clearance] Error while using _qmpcontrol upgrade_ Fixed 2:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 23-01-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #342: [kalimotxo] Web interface is not working Emergency fix 0:24 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 27-02-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Característica #349: [Clearance 3.1] Backporting iperf3 Backported in NC's feed 2:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 27-05-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Característica #318: Enable 5/10 MHz bandwidth for whitespaces Does not apply 0:01 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 19-06-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Design #337: 5GHz 40 MHz channel bandwidth (HT40) Fixed 2:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 05-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #361: TL WR-842ND-v2: The default flash has wan and lan swapped. Device hook created 1:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 05-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #331: [TL-WDR4900] [Kalimotxo/Clearance] Error while using _qmpcontrol upgrade_ New hash calculation method is brilliant! 4:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 08-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #372: [Clearance 3.2-rc2] No BMX6 frames in Ethernet interface for Ubiquiti's Nanobeam 1:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 04-08-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #377: Network configuration is not really applied after "Saving and applying" settings and a manual reboot is needed to have it working Backported QinQ 8:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 07-08-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #344: [Kalimotxo] WRTNode network settings Fixed 2:00 Actions
qMp (Quick Mesh Project) - Packages 07-08-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Desenvolupament Error #377: Network configuration is not really applied after "Saving and applying" settings and a manual reboot is needed to have it working Seems to be working 8:00 Actions
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