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Hores: 1677:45

Data Usuari Activitat Assumpte Comentari Hores
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #45: evaluating ULA/RIPE IPv6 scheme and Linux Source Address Selection development was done around 1th of march 2011 43:00 Actions
11-06-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Error #145: Bmx6 tunnel disappear each time b6m refresh 30:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #51: NIIT support for BMX6 development was done around 13th of march 2011 21:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin design msg-field descriptions 21:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #49: evaluating niit support in IPv6 development was done around 6th of march 2011 16:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #50: ULA / VLAN address generation development was done around 6th of march 2011 15:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin redesigning/implementing bmx6 globalID concept 15:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin json-output options parameters 15:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin output volatile status, links, originators information in json-notation, summarize current status 15:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Suport #43: evaluating Vlan support in openwrt/linux development was done around 1th of march 2011 14:00 Actions
02-06-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin short message service (SMS) feature 12:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin output description to posix file in json notation 7:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #53: OLSR Configuration 5:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #52: BMX6 configuration 5:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #56: Hardware Fonera, NanoStation2,... development was done around 13th of march 2011 5:00 Actions
04-04-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Error #104: Make system compatible with non-radio devices Let BMX6 start without or with invalid interfaces 5:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #57: HOWTO qmp/ipv6-routing-prototype development was done around 15th of march 2011 4:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin renaming bmx6 parameter names from eg: tx_interval style to txInterval 4:00 Actions
30-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #58: bmx6-json plugin new package/bmx6-qmp enabling plugin from bmx6 branch http-json-plugin 4:00 Actions
17-03-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Suport #115: Connection interruption when a huge size file is downloaded new optional bmx6 GW hysteresis parameter --tunOut=<NAME> /hysteresis=<value> (default 20%) 3:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #54: system hostname and uhttpd ssl configuration 1:00 Actions
17-03-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Suport #115: Connection interruption when a huge size file is downloaded updated bmx6-qmp package to pull related bmx6 commit 1:00 Actions
29-05-2011 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Característica #52: BMX6 configuration development was done around 13th of march 2011 0:00 Actions
17-03-2012 Axel Neumann Desenvolupament Suport #115: Connection interruption when a huge size file is downloaded Discussion about bug or feature request 0:00 Actions
04-04-2012 Axel Neumann Disseny Error #117: BMX6 don't support non alphanumeric characters in hostname acceptable for now 1:00 Actions
25-02-2013 Jorge L. Florit Desenvolupament Error #217: Change bmx_ipv4_prefix24 format to be a true /24 prefix 3:00 Actions
01-03-2013 Jorge L. Florit Desenvolupament Característica #216: Load real configuration in Wizard LuCI menu option 3:00 Actions
01-03-2013 Jorge L. Florit Desenvolupament Error #215: Autogenerated IPv4 don't showed in roaming mode 3:00 Actions
25-02-2013 Jorge L. Florit Desenvolupament Característica #216: Load real configuration in Wizard LuCI menu option 2:30 Actions
09-08-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #75: bmx6-luci 30:00 Actions
09-08-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #23: Tests with 802.11n and ath9k Finally HT40 is working with our new Compex antenas, the system is ready to use it 25:00 Actions
19-04-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci First structure implementation of QMP web interface and making openwrt packages 20:00 Actions
09-08-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless Improved the system and added some news freatures 20:00 Actions
09-08-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci Web interface for qmp is now usable, but not finished yet. 20:00 Actions
02-06-2013 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #240: Smart network devices selection 20:00 Actions
19-04-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci Understanding how LuCi works, and first tests 10:00 Actions
21-07-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless Changes in template system (uci style), and more things... 10:00 Actions
13-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless 6:00 Actions
21-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless Testing... and fixing some problems 6:00 Actions
02-06-2013 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #241: Smart Multicast Rate 6:00 Actions
03-05-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #23: Tests with 802.11n and ath9k Working with ibss HT40 patch for compat-wireless 5:00 Actions
04-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #61: Testing json-bmx-plugin Founds some bugs from json-bmx6 and openwrt 5:00 Actions
06-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci Working in bmx6-json information 5:00 Actions
08-07-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless Fixing some issues 5:00 Actions
29-04-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #23: Tests with 802.11n and ath9k 4:00 Actions
13-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless 4:00 Actions
06-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #61: Testing json-bmx-plugin tested bmx6 JSON and works fine! 3:00 Actions
09-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #64: Scripts to configure wireless First implementation 3:00 Actions
08-07-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #22: Web interface based in luci 3:00 Actions
06-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #62: bmx6-info script 2:00 Actions
08-07-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Error #48: Enable AP mode 2:00 Actions
13-06-2011 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #60: Choose between athXk and madwifi 1:00 Actions
15-02-2012 Pau Escrich Desenvolupament Característica #47: DNS system for internal MESH 0:30 Actions
16-09-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Característica #363: Add a captive portal or a splash screen for user connections Tinyproxy-based captive portal added back 20:00 Actions
16-07-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #443: Can't IPv4 ping between nodes in qMp 4.0 Macondo BMX6-related issue 10:00 Actions
08-12-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #446: [qmp-users] BMX6 Graph issue in Macondo Changes in luci-app-bmx6 8:00 Actions
06-10-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #316: NAT not working on kalimotxo Add kmod-ipt-nat as qMp-tiny-node dependency 7:00 Actions
07-07-2020 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #481: LAN bridge consistently gets address during qmp_autoconf Fixed 7:00 Actions
04-11-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #321: /etc/opkg.conf file contains wrong URLs Fixed 6:00 Actions
29-08-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #439: Issues with bridged LAN ports on Nanostation M5 XW Limitations of the device's switch 6:00 Actions
07-02-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #345: qMp autoconf process exchanges wireless interface modes that have been preset via a script in hooks Fixed in commit ae344dfacda2159b39d5e5a73d7843bd5f4437fd 4:00 Actions
05-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #364: [testing][kalimotxo] Binary firmware images are not generated because of netperf not compiling Removed netperf from qMp's package feed 4:00 Actions
07-08-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #364: [testing][kalimotxo] Binary firmware images are not generated because of netperf not compiling Fixed 4:00 Actions
25-09-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #464: After changing wifi settings, the [logical] network interfaces don't come up until reboot Fixed 4:00 Actions
04-09-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #313: Regulatory Domain hack Update regdomain hack 3:00 Actions
01-12-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #326: qmpcontrol upgrade on alix/x86 Probably a OpenWrt problem. Not fixable 3:00 Actions
05-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #365: [testing][kalimotxo] mini_snmpd is no longer in the packages feed Imported mini-snmpd to local packages feed 3:00 Actions
05-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #342: [kalimotxo] Web interface is not working No other problems reported related to this issue 3:00 Actions
08-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #372: [Clearance 3.2-rc2] No BMX6 frames in Ethernet interface for Ubiquiti's Nanobeam Testing 3:00 Actions
06-02-2019 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #467: Two wireless interfaces each on a different band are configured differently if they are "radio0=>5GHz, radio1=>2.4GHz" or "radio0=>2.4GHz, radio1=>5GHz" Fixed 3:00 Actions
13-06-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #292: Wireless card is configured with SHORT-GI-20 despite not supporting it Fixed but further work is needed 2:00 Actions
21-12-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #332: [qmp-users] Wrong DCHP range in XW Nanostations M5 LAN connections Fixed 2:00 Actions
19-06-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #362: No iptables in qMp 3.2-rc1 for TL-WR841N-v9 Fixed 2:00 Actions
25-06-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #364: [testing][kalimotxo] Binary firmware images are not generated because of netperf not compiling Remove netperf from dependencies 2:00 Actions
05-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #347: [kalimotxo] The community subnetwork (e.g. /27) is not announced to the mesh after from roaming to community mode Not reproduceable == closed issue 2:00 Actions
07-08-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Característica #368: Replace deprecated netperf with an up-to-date alternative Netperf is back 2:00 Actions
07-08-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #374: Mesh DNS menu is missing Fixed 2:00 Actions
07-08-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Característica #367: Replace deprecated mini-snmpd with an up-to-date alternative It is not deprecated 2:00 Actions
16-10-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #378: mini_snmpd configuration does not include wlan0 nor br-lan Fixed 2:00 Actions
21-10-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Característica #368: Replace deprecated netperf with an up-to-date alternative Netperf is de-deprecated 2:00 Actions
03-07-2017 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #390: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for qmp-system during compilation: bwm, ndisc6, rdisc6, ipv6calc Fixed 2:00 Actions
16-07-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #453: The IPv4 address textfield in Wizard => NATTED mode (and also in network settings) does not pass the browser's HTML5 validation Port code from master 2:00 Actions
16-07-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #452: Network configuration doesn't manage an interface in LAN without mesh VLAN tagging properly Works even if two interfaces are in the bridge 2:00 Actions
17-09-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Suport #440: OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r5671-c5ca1c9 / LuCI Master (git-18.003.32380-b121f95) ZBT-APE-522iii Fixed in another issue 2:00 Actions
03-10-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #460: qMp autoconfiguration script does not autoconfigure the wireless interfaces Pretty much working... 2:00 Actions
10-10-2018 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #468: Community name is not saved in ¿Natted? mode It's not in natted mode, but when "" is selected 2:00 Actions
04-05-2020 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #481: LAN bridge consistently gets address during qmp_autoconf Depends on device 2:00 Actions
04-05-2020 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #481: LAN bridge consistently gets address during qmp_autoconf Tracing qmp_autoconf call 2:00 Actions
04-07-2020 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Suport #478: "Device ID" in qMp easy setup appears before community selection Fix 2:00 Actions
07-12-2020 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #485: MikroTik devices have their MAC addresses removed Do not remove lan_eth0_dev and alike when removing network settings 2:00 Actions
03-04-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Característica #281: Setting hwmode to "auto" in /etc/config/wireless for 802.11(b)gn devices makes them work only at 802.11g's 54 Mb/s Solved with Pau 1:00 Actions
15-12-2014 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #330: [Kalimotxo][TL-WDR4900] Impossible to install packages using opkg Recompiling packages 1:00 Actions
15-01-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #336: [kalimotxo] Default channel and HT for 5 GHz band is not valid Temporary fix: use HT20 in default channel 1:00 Actions
02-04-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #357: [Kalimotxo] Tons of mdns instances are created until the system crashes Wrong file location in /etc/init.d/mdns 1:00 Actions
22-06-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #314: 2 out of 3 default DNS in qMp are down 1:00 Actions
25-06-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #364: [testing][kalimotxo] Binary firmware images are not generated because of netperf not compiling 1:00 Actions
25-06-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #365: [testing][kalimotxo] mini_snmpd is no longer in the packages feed Added mini-snmpd package to qMp repository 1:00 Actions
02-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #366: [3.2-rc1] VLAN12 on all ports does not work with ar71xx-based devices Fixed in commit 82e4e47c1e6980f4b06624de1a2ae84ac5176fa8 1:00 Actions
05-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #353: [kalimotxo] Web interface does not save the network mask in Community mode in /etc/config/qmp No report == closed issue 1:00 Actions
05-07-2015 Roger Pueyo Centelles Maintenance Error #352: Wrong VLAN configuration in TPlink TL-2543 (testing branch) Branches merged. 1:00 Actions
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